Tuesday 25 October 2011

BELGIUM 23 October – 25 October 2011 (Bruges)

Bruges is beautiful! It was voted most romantic country last year and we can see why! It is such a nice old city, with canals, medieval buildings and fries, chocolate and beer everywhere! We took the bus in from our site and walked around the market area. We climbed the 366 steep stairs to the Belfort for the gorgeous panorama of the city and the tunes it blasted haha! We had some fries with mayonnaise, as customary in Bruges from the legendary competing shops at the base of the Belfort.
We went to the Basilica of the Precious Blood in the city square.  Here they have a cylinder that was taken on a crusade to Jerusalem in the 12th century. True Catholics believe that it is filled with Jesus’ blood and every day the shiny cylinder is taken out of its safe and put on a pillow to be worshipped. We then ventured through the various chocolate shops, watched some candy pulling and made our way to the Church of our Lady, where they have Michelangelo’s Madonna and Child statue. We also visited the hospital museum before beers and dinner at T’ Ganzespel. Nicky serves amazing Belgian food and we had vegetable soup, served out of a big pot, just like at home!
We spent a fair bit of time walking around, admiring the gardens, massive watchtowers on the city walls and trying to blend in J
Yet another cold beer....
Candy Pulling :)

A Lake in Bruges
And another cold beer haha...

Soup just like at home..
Steps up the belfry (14 out of 366)

Church of Our Lady (with Michelangelo's Madonna and Child)
 View from the Belfry of the Market Square

Au Revoir!

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