Wednesday 19 October 2011

BELGIUM 15 October – 16 October 2011 (Brussels)

We left Amsterdam and headed south to Brussels in Belguim! We did 100km in 6 hours, the roads were mayhem! There were people driving through the middle of the traffic just to get ahead. A very impatient driver cut straight in front of us and ripped the front quarter panel of our van!! It smashed up the plastic and put a big dint in the side, and then he just took off very quickly! Not the welcome from Belgium we were hoping for lol! We also witnessed a fist fight between two disgruntled drivers! We arrived in Brussels and rode into town  on the push bikes. We went to the Grand Place, rode around to see the other cathedrals and monuments, then had a Belguim beer at an English pub where we watched the Aussie’s get beaten by New Zealand in the World Cup. It stopped by at Neuhaus chocolate shop and spent $$ on delicious belguim chocolate. This chocolatier opened in 1857 and they were actually the inventors of the praline. It is safe to say that 500g of chocolate/pralines/truffles and granaches are making their way closer to our hips haha! Brussels was a quirky city, the 15th century market centre was fantastic to look at and we had another day of beautiful clear skies!

 Grand Place
 Guild Halls, Grand Place
 Triumphal Arch at Parc du Cinquantenaire
 Galeries St Hubert
 Hotel de Ville

 Neuhaus was opened 1857 (they invented the praline)
Cathedral of Saint Michel and Saint Guilda

This is thundie after the bashing ha ha. Missing tooth and blinker is just sitting there...........    : (


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