Wednesday 19 October 2011

NETHERLANDS 10 October – 15 October 2011 (Amsterdam)


We drove back down through Denmark and Germany and headed towards Amsterdam in the Netherlands! We drove out to Leeuwarden and went over the ‘bridge,’ turns out it was a long stretch of reclaimed land with a road on it, connecting all the way to Den Helder. We stayed at Camping Zeeburg right near the city and headed into town! We met up with Nat, our Aussie friend who lives in Amsterdam and she gave us a tour of the canals, red light district, dam square, and the coffee shops. We went to Anne Frank’s house, which was fantastic, especially after visiting the concentration camps in Poland. We are starting to get a much better idea of just how terribly these people were treated. We also sampled some delicious cheese at a tasting shop! Next day we went in and had another look around the city, drinking coffee and people watching,  also visiting the erotic museum, which was interesting to say the least but, ‘when in amsterdam’ lol..
We had knatwurst wrapped in bacon on bread for dinner from a vendor and a waffle with strawberries and cream. We are certainly eating our way through Europe and our hips aren’t lying.. We hung out at Coco’s Outback, an Aussie pub which is right in the city and it was really fun. We met a very diverse group of friends here, the nationalities at our table were; German, Czech Republican, Dutch, Scottish, Italian and Aussie. They all spoke English very well and we had a great night drinking, eating and talking rubbish J On the way home we were typical Dutch and grabbed some delicious snacks from the vending wall at Febo, which they all recommended very much! We really enjoyed Amsterdam, with its literally intoxicating mix of mellow bars, pervasive irreverence, whiffs of pots and its open-air marketplace for sex and sleaze.

The bridge near our camp site :)
 EJ being tortured at the Erotic Museum

 Amsterdam's skinniest house :)
Dam Square by night :) They had a little festival..
 Robert (Scotsman) Petra (from Czech) and the Aussie :)
 Febo deliciousness :)
Walking home with a full moon :)

 Dam Square by day

 Canal near Dam Square
 Canal near Anne Frank's house
 Another Canal :)

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