Thursday 6 October 2011

GERMANY 29 September - 3 October 2011 (Berlin)

Guten Tag!

We left Poland with heavy hearts and headed toward Berlin. We found a campsite (the only campsite within 25km of Berlin) and set up camp :) We did a fat tyre bike tour through the city, we would highly recommend these tours as they are so informative and fun! We went to all the major sites, i.e Hitler's hideout, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin Wall, the site of the Burning of the Books, the Holocaust monument, various monuments relating to the wars and a couple of the many museums this historical city has to offer. We had a fantastic day riding around the city with Tom and Kate and the tour, stopping for a German lunch of bratwurst.

After our tour we went to check out Mauer Park (our tour guide suggested we have a look). We got the train and then joined the hundreds of people walking to the park. When we got there we were surprised to find a hippy's wonderland :) There were flea markets, selling everything from vintage cameras to used clothes, shoes, blankets and all matter of wonderful decorations! There was also an ampitheatre there where the 2,000 strong crowd would sit and drink and listen to the usually terrible but occassionally surprisingly good karaoke singers (which contestants would pay 50 cents to enter lol). We watched this for quite a while, then went to grab some dinner :)
We had a great time in Berlin, a city that seems to be a little confused about itself, or perhaps that just accepts everyone and anyone who graces its streets. We also part ways with Tom and Kate here, who are heading home soon. We have had such a great time with these two and are so glad we got to share these crazy adventures with such great people. Love ya's xx

 Mauer Park - amphitheathre
Fat tire bike tours!
 Remnants of the Berlin wall
 Memorial to the Murdered Jews in Europe
EJ in the centre of the memorial
 Tiergarten (Animal Park)
 The Victory Tower
 Harley Rider haha
Whitey and Thundy kiss goodbye (we actually needed a jumo start haha)
Our last meal together in Europe :) Delicious!


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