Wednesday 2 November 2011

ENGLAND 27 October – 1 November 2011 (London ,Stonehenge, Longleat)

Hello! (English)
We caught the very early ferry back to Dover from Calais and after a little customs look over we headed to London! We spent a couple of nights in a van park south of London and took the ever-proficient public transport in and out of the city J We caught up with Tom, Kate, Sean and Shannon for a delicious Indian meal in Tooting and a few drinks. It was lovely to see some familiar faces and we aren’t feeling as home sick anymore now haha!
We went to a Mads’ Halloween party and met up with a few other people we had met at Oktoberfest which was great! We set off some fireworks on the street on the way home (legal at this time of year in London, we even bought then from the grocery store!) Sean and Shannon had us at their place for the last night which was lovely J

We took off and headed to Stonehenge for a look! This structure is out of this world! It was amazing to imagine how these stones came to stand here and all of the crazy theories that surround its purpose.  Some of the stones are believed to have been transported from mountains more than 155km away! No cranes back in those days!

On to Longleat Campsite a little way down the road and we camped here for two nights. We also visited the Adventure Park and Safari Park, which was the first safari park opened outside of Africa. We visited the mongooses, a silverback gorilla, a couple of hippo’s, heaps of seals and rode on Thomas the Tank Engine lol.. We then took our van through the safari park which was amazing! We drove right past giraffes, llamas, camels (two humps), about 4 rhinoceroses, bambi’s, tigers, lions, a massive pack of wolves and the van was accosted by a rabid group of monkey’s who bit holes through the bike rack on the back and pulled on our windscreen wipers! We had monkey’s surfing on our van, it was hilarious lol! Turns out the sign ‘Mechanic Monkey’s at work’ was pretty accurate…
Linda, Sean, Bec and Rhe :)
Hallween party EJ and Joel
Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Garage :)
Feeding the Seals

Sweet Shop :)
The Maze!
 Safari Park

 Monkey Surfing!
 Monkey Attack!
 They bit and jumped on the bike racks (nearly taking them off)
 Rhino came up to 1 metre away!
 Roar, I'm a tiger!
 Cubs playing
Lone wolf lol
Until next time…

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