Tuesday 6 September 2011

SPAIN 22 August – 28 August 2011 (Tarifa, Benidorm)

After arriving back safely in Tarifa and finding our vans still intact (but very unhappy that we had left them behind) we found a campsite in Tarifa and had some R & R lol! We spent a couple of days here then kept driving north along the coast. We stayed the night in a very quiet beach car park and kept driving the next day to Benidorm. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we got to Benidorm. It was really well established with high rises all along the beach, almost like the gold coast lol! We went up to a massive lookout and had lunch then ventured into the city on the pushies. We were shocked to see how many English pubs, shops, restuarants and just Poms in general that populated this area. It actually felt like we were back in the UK!
We spent a few nights here free camping, going to Terra Mitica, which is a big theme park and Aqualandia, a water park with two slides that had 60 degree drops and were about 45metres high! Rhe split her chin on one of the water slides here because she is a bit of a pansy but we had a great few days acting like 10 year olds J The beaches on the Mediterranean have been lovely, this particular beach was all rocks and the shallow warm ocean went out about 100metres before it dropped off to the deep. We found the Mediterranean much warmer than the Atlantic that’s for sure! There was a massive cable ski set up here just off the beach and we had a great time watching everyone stack it! We had a big night on the last night at Tropical Bar where we had at least 5 free shots as we walked in and live entertainment all night J
 Tarifa Coastline
 Tarifa Campsite
 Freecamp on the Beach
Terra Mitica Themepark
 Terra Mitica
 Crazy Ride
 Pirate Show at Terra Mitica
 Diving Show at Aqualandia
 60 degree slides
View from the Top... Scary lol!


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