Sunday 18 September 2011

ITALY 15 September – 16 September 2011 (Stilfserjoch Mountain Pass)

After farewelling Venice and unpacking our winter clothes we made the 4 hour drive to the second highest mountain pass in Europe – Stilfserjoch pass. Stilfserjoch pass is 2,757m above sea level and was a spectacular drive. (We have to thank Tom’s dad for suggesting this pass!) Stilfserjoch is in Italy but very close to the Austrian and Swiss borders. We made the massive climb up the mountain with the trusty vans, stopping occassionally to take photos and add layers of clothing. Once we got to the top and easily found a carpark to stay at we went and got a bratwurst and sauerkraut bun from a german vendor which was delicious!! We walked up the pub which was 2,893m and had a mulled wine and enjoyed the sunset over the icy peaks. The next morning we continued down the pass and headed towards Switzerland!
 Mountain Jumping
 Stilfserjoch Pass sign :)
German Sausage Man!
 On the top!
 River near the bottom..
Half way up the mountain!
Just over half way (getting colder!)
 The way up..
 The vans in their little camp
 On the way down

See ya!!

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