Monday 26 September 2011

AUSTRIA 18 September – 22 September 2011 (Kitzbuhel, St Johann, Salzburg)

We left Innsbruck and drove to Kitzbuhel, a quaint ski town and had a look around. It was freezing and very wet here but it was nice to look around all the same. We drove up the Thurn mountain pass and found a car park on the top to stay the night J The four of us spent the night playing cards and watching movies huddled in the van and then went to bed (freezing), only to wake up at about 2am to a loud thud on the van. We looked out and we saw white, fresh snow everywhere, no wonder it was cold! We couldn’t believe our eyes. It was snowing fairly hard and the snow was already half way up the tyres haha! We went back to sleep and awoke to a winter wonderland (mind you, this was strange even for Austria in Autumn). We had a play in the snow and tried to go back down the mountain the opposite way we came. It was way too slippery here so we had to go back up to the top lol.. Also note, we are not out of water and gas, so definitely not keen on staying another night trapped here! We waited it out for about an hour to see if the snow would start to melt or let up but it was set in! We followed the plough truck back down to Kitzbuhel (VERY slowly). We had a lovely traditional Austrian meal at a toasty warm restaurant while the snow got heavier outside.
We drove to St Johann, after getting some advice that it is a much cheaper town haha, we stayed at a campsite here, which was lovely, albeit freezing.. They had a massive barn where they had moved all of their cows when it started snowing as well. We stocked up with a much needed new furry blanket and some pillows and we are now very cozy and warm in the van lol (sometimes we just let the fireplace/gas cook top warm us up for a little bit).
We arrived in Salzburg, still cold, and set off on foot to explore the city. We took the cable train up to the big castle and had an audio guided tour; showing us the bell towers, torture chambers, organ room and the various museums, where plenty of old war artifacts were kept.  We spent the night in a car park then got up early to head to the festival that was starting that day.We went to the catacombs near the old cemetary, which was good to see, but nothing compared to the others we have visited. We got to the city centre and walked through all of the markets; cheese, weiners, pastries and flowers everywhere! We settled down in the sunny section of the beer tent area and started our steins! We had a few beers and some pork meat, sauerkraut and mustard buns (delicious) and then went  and looked around the shops and bought some yummy cheese. We headed back to the vans and had some more to drink and played cards J
Kitzbuhel town centre
 Chinese Laundry (nothing would dry because of the weather haha)

 Snow Storm!
 Heading back down the mountain
 Following the tracks of a plough truck and a semi..
 Lunch in Kitzbuhel, trying to defrost lol!
 View from the castle in Salzburg

 Massive pretzels, yummo
 Salzburg's biggest festival (first proper steins!)
 Thurn mountain pass
 White out
View from Festung Hohensalzburg (Castle)
Catacombs and Cemetary
Until next time..

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