Sunday 11 September 2011

ITALY 7 September - 11 September 2011 (Pisa, Rome)

Boun Giorno!!

We arrived in Pisa and went straight to the main attraction! We got photos doing corny tourist poses with the leaning tower and had our first Italian Gelati :)

Panoramic of the tower and other building..

After staying the night in Pisa, we drove down to Rome. The vans got a good work out in the Italian traffic, enjoying not having lines on the road and no rules in general lol! It was so crazy but we loved being part of it.. After being mislead by our navman, affectionately known as 'Gav,' we found a campsite just outside Rome. This was an awesome campsite with massive toilet facilities, a shady camp and a washing machine with free detergent (our lives have come to revolve around these necessesities haha).

We had three nights here, and each day we caught the 10 minute train into the city. We looked through as many monuments, churches, museums and piazza's as we could and managed to fit in a fair few :) Our favourites were the colluseums (EJ for the gladiators and Rhe for the architectural history) and the Capuchin Crypt where over 4000 monks who died between 1528 and 1870 are buried. There are six chapels in the Capuchin Crypt, and all but one is creatively adorned with bones. We also loved seeing St Peter's Basilica which was just overwhelmingly huge. We had pizza and pasta and delicious coffee while we were here. EJ had his first stein of beer here, of course it was Italian beer (Peroni).

We would love to visit here again, hope you like the pictures!

 Fountain Trevi

 Colloseum :)
Palastine Hill

 Roman Forum
 Pantheon inside..
 Pasta, first night.. Amazing..
 Inside the Colloseum..
 Piazza Venezia
 EJ wet his panties with this one.. Ferrari 430 OMG...
Sant Angelo Castle
Inside St Peter's Basilica
 St Peter's Basilica
 Main Plaza near the train station (symmetrical)
 Lunch - pizza and ravioli (one would die for this ravioli) (what more in the world could one need?)
 Ducatti Devil (EJ only stood and stared at it for 2 hours)
 Fresh water fountain, one of many :) (Freezing cold and drinkable, we saved on bottled water here!)
 “As you are, we once were. As we are, you shall be one day.” (Capuchin Crypt) (Worth a look)


1 comment:

  1. We have funny pics like this too at Pisa!!! the food is awesome isn't it??? enjoy xx
