Wednesday 7 September 2011

FRANCE 4 September – 7 September 2011 (Nice)

We were driving to Nice and came across a gorgeous beach just south of the city, with about 30 caravans pulled up for the night. We decided this would be a great spot to stay! The beaches are suddenly very rocky and the water is incredibly blue. We met some more Aussie’s here, and enjoyed our night on the beach. The weather is starting to get a little cooler at night which makes it a lot nicer to sleep in the van. We rode into Nice the next day on the push bikes and had a good look around. The esplanade here was gorgeous and we couldn’t believe how many fit people were around. Everyone is so active in this part of the world! There were 60 year olds that were putting us to shame haha! We ended up staying two nights at the free camp as it was too nice to leave and then drove to Monaco to have a look.
Nice Beach

 Antibes, where we free camped :) What a life haha

Looking back at Nice
Au revoir

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