Sunday 31 July 2011

ENGLAND 25 July - 26 July 2011 *Gatwick to Dover*

We flew back to England to buy our van on the 25 July 2011!! We flew into Gatwick Airport and Aussie Ben met us at the airport to show us his van after making the meeting over email. We drove to the nearest McDonalds and had a chat about the Ford Transit, our prospective new home. We went for a test drive and it ran really nice, after a good look over it we made an offer and made the purchase. We spent 2 hours trying to get the money out of ATM's as our bank back home wouldn't cooperate with a bank transfer. The poor bloke had a handful of 10 & 20 pound notes, luckily his brother lived there and had a bank account lol!! After doing the paperwork we organised the tax (drama drama drama) we were on the road. We drove to Dover on the coast and organised our ferry ticket to Calais in France!! We spent the night in Dover, a sleepy little fishing town on the South East Coast of the UK. We had some beers and dinner on the wharf and used the facilities at the pub then slept in the van for the first time in a car park near the ferry :) It was a real experience, there was like 50 vans parked in the same area! We got the ferry to Calais at 4am, driving through the customs area and the French official just waved us straight through without even a glance lol! We arrived in Calais about 6:30am and met Tomo and Kate at the McDonalds there. Our adventure begins!!!

EJ with his Rig

The Whitecliffs that Dover is renowned for..

'Thundie' as he is now known :)

1 comment:

  1. Hello!!
    I'm loving your blog - I've turned into bit of a stalker as I check it most days to see if there's any news ha.
    Sounds like you guys had an amazing time in Hungary and Serbia. I hope you've fully recovered Rhe!
    Anyway just wanted to say hello and that we're thinking of you. Hope your trusty van thundie is still going strong.
    Lots of love,
    arnika xxa
