Saturday 6 August 2011

FRANCE 26 July - 02 August 2011


We drove from Calais to Paris where we stayed a few nights in campsites and had a good look around the city and surrounding areas. We saw the major attractions and went on a big bus tour to see everything we could. We are really enjoying travelling with Tomo and Kate, it's lovely to be able to share this experience with such great friends! We have been sampling the local cuisine, eating frog legs, snails and plenty of bread and croissants haha!!

From there we headed south along the coast to the La Rochelle. This was a gorgeous little coastal town and we saw our first French beach here lol! We spent a night there and then made our way to Bordeaux, the world renowned wine region. We went on a couple of wine tasting tours and bought a few bottles to continue sampling in the van lol!!
This area was covered in rows after row of vines, as far as the eye could see. We stopped at a little seaside town called Anglet on our way to Spain and had a night there. Here we had delicious fresh seafood and spent some time at the beach. We also found a great Aussie Restaurant, owned by a fellow from Sydney and his French wife. They were lovely and we went back for brunch the next day before heading further south to SPAIN!!

We have been free-camping in towns if we feel safe so we are saving a lot of money there, we also bought some flash push bikes so they are getting a work out on all of the boulevards along the coast!

 Traffic Shenanagans haha
Camping Spot at Rambouillet near Paris
Arc de Triomphe (mad!)

 Top of the Eiffel Tower where we had our first kiss and fell in love hahahaha

More piccys to come :) EJnRHE xx

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