Friday 12 August 2011

SPAIN 7 August - 8 August 2011 (Santiago de Compostela, Vigo)

When arriving in Santiago we could tell that this place was steeped in history. The dramatic hillside city was covered in ancient buildings, massive parks and statues of significant people on nearly every corner. We drove until we found a safe carpark to stay the night and then ventured out of our pushies. We rode all through the city and stopped to take in the Saint James Cathedral where it is said he was buried. This cathedral was the biggest and most stunning we have ever encountered. The size of it was incredible and we even got to walk down to see the crypt. We kept riding and then went back to the van for some dinner, on the way having a slight altercation with dog excrement which had us all in stitchesl!
Vigo was our next destination and we gave the pushies a good work out here, cruising around the look outs and having some ‘ensaladilla’ for lunch, which was not as we expected lol. It came out as a tuna, potato, carrot and mayonnaise mash, nothing like the ‘mexican enchilada we had been hoping for haha! It was still delicious though, the Spainish sure do know how to whip up a great meal! We didn’t stay the night here but drove south past the Portugese border (still not stamps L) and into Porto.

 St James Cathedral
 St James
 St James
 Cruising on the Pushies..
 In Vigo..
 Vigo Lookout
Panoramic of Vigo

Adios Amigos!

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