Friday 12 August 2011

SPAIN 4 August - 7 August 2011 (San Sebastian, Zarautz, Gijon)

After a couple of nights in a van park at Anglet we drove south through the ‘border’ to Spain (we didn’t even realise we were in Spain until we saw the language on the buildings change haha) and onto San Sebastian. We did a little bit of mountain climbing in the van trying to find a van park that ‘Tom Tom’ thought we needed to be at and we found a beach at the bottom of the other side of the mountain! Unfortunately, Thundie and Whitie’s clutch started slipping trying to get back up the mountain so we had to go another way around lol! It may be all of the food that EJ has been carrying in the van lol!
We were very delighted to find this vibrant city had both gorgeous parks and shops but also one of the loveliest beaches we have ever seen! We ventured up the mountain to see the famous monuments and had a swim in the crystal clear ocean. The boys had a perve at all the topless sunbakers lol! We spent two nights here at ‘Camping Oliden’ and got some much needed washing done too! We left San Sebastian and started heading west along the Spanish North Coast. The landscape in this area was stunning. Massive mountains with quaint hillside crops met rugged sea cliffs and every few kms we would catch another glimpse of the seemingly never ending Altanic.
We had a coffee along the way at Zarautz on the beach and continued our drive until we found a free camping spot at a beach with a massive inlet. We camped here for the night and EJ and Tom tried to catch the big fish in the inlet with baked beans, musli and salami haha! Unsurprisingly, we didn’t have fish for dinner that night! The next day we drove to Gijon and had a coffee at a lovely sea side café. We are finding it very difficult to live like this haha!!
 View from a mountain in San Sebastian
 View of San Sebastian
 Marina - San Sebastian
 Gorgeous beach at San Sebastian
 View from Mountain Top!
Castle on top of the mountain :) (San Sebastian)

 Beach at Zarautz
 Free Camp at an Ocean Inlet


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