Thursday 7 July 2011

London, ENGLAND 28 June - 30 June 2011

We landed in London and it was typical London weather, overcast and a little chilly :)
We dropped our bags off at the hotel and ventured into the city on the tube. The public transport was amazing, we could not believe how easy it was to get around! We did a double decker tour through the main sites of the city (it rained for most of it) but it was gorgeous and we really enjoyed seeing all of the sights - Big Ben, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Cathedrals, Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square and the beautiful gardens.
We fly out to Belgrade on the 30 June and can't wait to come back to this wonderful city!

 Double Decker in the Rain!!
 Tower Bridge!
 Fresh Market fruit in the beautiful Park :)
 English Beer and Pies :)
 EJ has a sword the same as this! Apparantely its worth more if its got blood on it..(Far right)
 Trafalgar Square

Waterfall across from Buckingham Palace (Queen had a garden party with only 8,000 guests haha)

EJnRHE  xx

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