Thursday 7 July 2011

SERBIA 30 June - 18 July 2011 (Nagy Heritage)

Hi all!! We flew into Belgrade on 30 June and Feri (EJ's 2rd cousin) picked us up from the airport to make the 2 hour trip to Muzsla (around 6km from Zrenjanin, Ernie Snr grew up in this area) Feri waited at the airport for 5 hours for us, his father forgetting to tell him what time we were arriving, and insisting he wait there incase we flew in earlier!!! The family are all so sweet and very hospitable. They cannot do enough for us and we eat at least 8 meals a day at the moment. Lucky we have 6 months to work all this food off!!

We have been meeting alot of EJ's relatives and friends that his dad grew up with, we have seen his old school in Zrenjanin, churches and back streets where he used to run a muck. We vistited the cemetary where his dad's grandparents are laid to rest. We feel very honoured to be able to share this reunion with him and Sue and walk the streets as he did 39 years ago :) We have been to the markets in both Zrenjanin and Novi Sad, the Novi Sad markets were very different to ours. They sell almost anything! You could nearly make an entire car from all the different parts that they sell. Alot of the gypsys steal things from houses and try to sell them at these markets, they even sell shower heads and second hand toilet brushes, which we thought was very amusing!! The fruit and vegetables they sell at the Zrenjanin markets were beautiful, they grew alot of it in the small spaces they have spare at their homes. Alot of the homes have crops instead of backyards.

We are fairly sure that we have been drunk for the majority of our time here so far, they love their palinka (moonshine) and aren't afraid of a good drink :) All of the family are so generous and are genuinely a pleasure to be around! EJ helped make kolbasz (sausage) with Feri, Jancsi and Ernie from the animals they had 'aquired' earlier. EJ is very interested in learning about the war and the part that his family played at the time.

There are so many reminders around this area of how awful it must have been for them during the Bosnian War. Alot of the factories, including Corn, Lux Soap went broke during the war and a few are still struggling to stay afloat. We really appreciate the opportunites we have back home when we see what these people have gone through.

We are thoroughly enjoying seeing all of the relatives (most of which we didn't know existed until now). EJ was very surprised at just how big his family tree is! We have lots more to come :)

Adrian, Leo, Feri and EJ (drink in hand)
 Bozsike and Jancsi's house
Leo, EJ, Jansci, Rhe, Moni and Adrian
 Jancsi and his homemade goodies! Dad is laughing because he found 20L of Palinka!!
My dad's house in Muzsla where he grew up
 Dad's grandpa and grandma
 Feri and Moni's house (around the corner from Bozsike and Jancsi)
Serbian Landscape
 Me and Dad making Palinka (moonshine)
 Dad and Bozsike when they were young!
Bozsike and Jancsi's wedding photo with dad
 Old Corn Factory that is bankrupt, it used to make 106 different types of corn products
 Dad getting water from the old well to keep the beers cold! This is how they used to get water :)
 Feri cooked up a goulash (big hungarian stew)
Dad has a knife the same at home, funny how family have the same taste haha
 A fishing hut dad used to stay in :)
 The kill.. Later know as kolbasz (sausages)
 Breakfast at the markets, enough to feed a family of 20..
 Church in Zrenjanin
Beers at a pub in Zrenjanin
 Markets in Zrenjanin (beautiful and yummy!)
 Very old church in Zrenjanin (few hundred years!)
 My dads old music school on the Bega River (now cut off just behind me)
My father playing his old piano at the music school where he learnt it, where EJ had a few tears roll down, he didn't know his dad played the piano so well lol

My grandma's 1st cousin lol, she looks alot like my nagymama

 At Csepelin (an old sand mine with beautiful lake water) in the middle on Muzsla!
 Cafe at the 'beach' having a beer :)
Dinner at Endre and Edit's house, they were lovely hosts :)


Bozsike and Jancsi throw a party with some of the relatives and friends! It was a stinky hot 36 degrees but we had a fantastic time dancing, singing and eating our way into the night!! We had a fantastic musician who played the keyboard and sang for us all night too!! Thanks so much to everyone that made this a great night :)

 Hungarian Dancing!!
 Modern Video Camera with battery pack on my hip lol!
Party :)
Dad playing the Keyboard :)
First and Last time I have seen Dad cry..


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pics... brings a tear to our eyes seeing dad back home! Enjoy this amazing journey happy eating and drinking!!! xx Pabs, Me and Issiexxxx
