Wednesday 11 January 2012

USA 20 December 2011 – 28 December 2011 (New York)

We said our goodbyes to Sean and Shannon and thanked them very much for having us at their gorgeous new apartment in London and embarked on our last leg of our tour. We were supposed to land in New York after 10 hours travel, well, it took us 19 hours to get from London to New York (we ended up stopping in a snow storm in Geneva and were delayed by every position element haha).
We met up with our fantastic friends Criddal and Glen at our hotel in Times Square, we can’t express how great it was to see some familiar friendly faces as we were starting to miss home very much.  We didn’t waste much time in the room and journeyed out to see the lights of the famous Times Square. After plenty of beers, a headache from the LED lights, hunger pains from the hot dog stands every 5 metres and a new appreciation for the city that never sleeps we ourselves got some shut eye.

Next day we ventured out to see 5th Avenue, Rockefeller Centre and the big Christmas tree, Tiffany’s, Grand Central, Toy World, M & M World, Lego World and five million stores haha. That night we went to ‘The View’ revolving restaurant on top of the Marriott hotel in Times Square for a ‘fancy’ dinner. Here we had a gorgeous 360 degree view of the night skyline to all parts of New York. We had a fantastic dinner and Glen popped the big question to Criddal!! It was such a lovely night and we will cherish it forever J
 Lego Land
The big moment..
We had a massive walk around Central Park the next day and saw the ice-skating, the Lake House, the various fountains and monuments. That night we scored some cheap tickets to ‘Stand Up New York’ live in the Broadway district, we had such a great time here with Criddal and Glen and the 8 comedians were very talented! This comedy club is owned by Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld too!
Beer Buckets at Stand Up
Central Park
On the third day we met up with Trev, Maddy and Tiny (our friends from G’Stone), more familiar faces J. We all went to watch the New York Islanders vs Toronto Maple Leafs Ice Hockey game in Long Island that night. We managed to squeeze 8 people into a 5 seater cab, on the way there AND back haha, we all felt like sardines in a can and kept imagining ourselves on COPS all piling out of the cab lol.
 Ice Hockey!
Cab Ride haha
For the next couple of days we visited Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Brooklyn, Ground Zero, Empire State Building, Macy’s (great shopping) and Wall Street (with its big bull). We had dinner at Applebee’s with everyone and found out Trev and Maddy had gotten engaged as well!! We are so happy for our friends J

 View from Liberty Island
 Statue of Liberty
View from the Empire State Building

We went to the famous Coyote Ugly bar in New York on Christmas Eve and had a massive night. We were basically the only people in there but we had a really great night with all the girls on the bar. It was great until Christmas Day…. It didn’t really feel like Christmas to us as we are usually with family but we went out for xmas lunch at a cheap kebab shop (while Rhe rode the porcelain horse all day).

 Bras at Coyote Ugly
 Good Times
 Getting ugly...
 Brooklyn Bridge
Our local in Times Square :)

We had dinner at a few more iconic restaurants and did lots of shopping. We flew out to Las Vegas on the 28th!!!


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